Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Blog, New CD, New Video

Welcome to our new blog!  We are Bumtech, a two piece band with programmed drums.  We have a lot to say all at once, since we just started blogging this evening.  To start with, we have a new cd out that we are very happy with!  It's called Beautiful Music, and stylistically, it's very alternative and quite different than anything else out right now.  The music is psychedelic, spacey, surfy, and has a shoegaze leaning and some heavy folk, even.  So far, we've been getting great feedback on the album and hope you like it too. The artwork was created by talented L.A. artist and our good friend, Pablo Ramos.

Just a little background on the title. One day I was looking up the L.A. radio station KBIG on Wikipedia, and I found out that in the 60s it had a "Beautiful music" format. I had to know more, so I looked up beautiful music, and I found out that it meant easy listening. Well, this had to be the name of our album, so there it is.

You can listen to some of the tracks here:
We've just released our first video from Beautiful Music, Melrose Driving School. We filmed it and edited it ourselves, and I think it's as much fun to watch as it was to make!